Career is the ideals, ambitions, and goals of one's life in the long run in pursuing a field. Job is an activity to replace someone's time, abilities, and labor with money. One person can undergo more than one job throughout his career. A person can change jobs in a field, and still be considered to undergo the same career. However, changing careers is not easy and usually requires someone to start from zero. The definition of job is: 1. A task that is carried out routinely and is valued with a sum of money. 2. Employment agreements at a company, whether permanent or part-time work. 3. Obligations for someone to do something, both physical and non-physical work. Jobs are contractual agreements between employers and workers. A job is usually valued at a salary that is paid monthly. In the company's perspective, the main objective of the work is to generate more profits for the company, and in return, the company is obliged to pay salaries and benefits to ...